Sequences of the ZAC/LOT family. (A) Sequence alignments of the ZAC/LOT proteins. Human ZAC (hZAC, identical to hLOT1), mouse Zac (mZac), and rat Lot1 (rLot) were aligned according to a Clustal method. Residues that matched hZAC with one distance unit are boxed. (B) Schematic representation of the ZAC/LOT proteins structures. Each domain is indicated as a box: the seven ZF of C2H2 type, the linker region, the Pro repeats present in mZac only, the Pro, Gln and Glu rich region, the Glu clusters absent in hZAC, and the C terminus. The numbering of the amino acid residues is indicated below the boxes. (C) Phylogenetic tree for ZAC/LOT family. Only the ZF domains were taken into account for the analysis.