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. 2007 May 21;62(11):957–963. doi: 10.1136/thx.2007.078964

Table 1 Selected characteristics of participants with no history of physician‐diagnosed asthma at study entry.

Selected characteristics at study entry* N (2057) Ratio of observed to total possible person‐years†
Age at entry (years)
 7–9 1441 0.80
 10 557 0.79
 11–12 59 0.67
 Non‐Hispanic white 1094 0.80
 Hispanic 651 0.79
 African‐American 110 0.70
 Asian 101 0.86
 Mixed 63 0.76
 Other/unknown 38 0.60
 Female 1095 0.80
 Male 962 0.78
Overweight at entry
 No 1778 0.79
 Yes 279 0.77
Parental history of asthma
 No 1651 0.80
 Yes 273 0.79
History of allergic rhinitis
 No 1688 0.79
 Yes 322 0.78
Humidifier use
 No 1470 0.80
 Yes 497 0.77
Maternal smoking during pregnancy
 No 1700 0.80
 Yes 293 0.74
Postnatal maternal smoking
 No 1830 0.80
 Yes 189 0.74
Household second hand smoking
 No 1658 0.80
 Yes 357 0.76
Pests in home
 No 1455 0.76
 Yes 923 0.80
Dogs in home
 No 923 0.79
 Yes 1134 0.79
Pets in home
 No 495 0.79
 Yes 1562 0.79
Health insurance
 No 358 0.78
 Yes 1661 0.79
Parental income (US$/year)
 ⩽14 999 307 0.74
 15 000–49 999 749 0.79
 >50 000 697 0.81
Parental education
 Less than high school 295 0.77
 At least high school 392 0.79
 Some college 822 0.79
 College and above 464 0.81
 1993 1046 0.80
 1996 1011 0.78

*Numbers do not add up to 2057 because of missing data.

†Total possible years of observation was 8 years (4th–12th grades).