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. 2007 Mar 1;78(11):1209–1212. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2006.112532

Table 1 Synopsis of the regional decreases of grey matter and white matter volumes.

Anatomical localisation MNI coordinates (mm) p (FDR corrected) T No of voxels
Region Hem x y z
Grey matter
 Inferior temporal gyrus L –54 –19 –30 0.012 6.47 1379
 Middle temporal gyrus L –47 –67 8 0.012 6.15 437
 Orbital gyrus L –33 42 –24 0.013 5.64 664
 Orbital gyrus R 16 28 –25 0.013 5.63 1574
 Superior frontal gyrus R 9 30 58 0.014 5.41 730
 Superior occipital gyrus L –43 –78 26 0.014 5.38 493
 Limbic lobe R 14 –1 –22 0.016 5.22 468
 Anterior cingulum R 1 33 –5 0.017 5.07 643
 Superior frontal gyrus R 22 17 65 0.020 4.88 436
 Cerebellum L –34 –43 –45 0.025 4.11 596
White matter
 Frontal lobe (medial inferior) and brainstem L –30 26 –16 0.000 8.23 102 432
 Cerebellum (medial) L –12 –71 –26 0.000 6.40 23 260
 Frontal lobe (medial) R 12 56 16 0.001 6.05 2253
 Temporal/occipital lobe R 40 –55 17 0.002 4.74 1358
 Parietal lobe (near cingulum) R 2 –55 27 0.003 4.40 4341
 Frontal lobe (mediofrontal) R 12 45 –10 0.005 4.08 2656
 Frontal lobe (near precentral) L –29 –22 50 0.009 3.77 691
 Temporal lobe (near fusiform) R 40 –51 –12 0.011 3.68 684

FDR, false discovery rate; Hem, hemisphere; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute stereotaxic atlas.

Anatomical areas of grey matter and white matter regional atrophy, their localisation within the standardised stereotaxic atlas, their significance levels (expressed as p values and T scores) and the size of the atrophic areas (expressed as number of voxels) compared with healthy controls (thresholded at p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons).