Figure 4 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activations for motion and pattern‐reversal stimulations after training. (A) fMRI statistical parametric mapping (SPM (t)) for whole‐field radial contracting and expanding motion stimulus is thresholded at family‐wise‐error‐corrected p Value (pFWE)<0.05 and overlaid on patient's structural MRI (L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere). The white lines indicate the section of the other orientation. The arrow points to the minor activation in the lesioned (left) hemisphere. (B) Activation SPM(t) map (thresholded at pFWE<0.05) for the pattern‐reversal stimulation of the normal (left) hemifield pattern is shown in red and that for stimulation of the blind (right) hemifield in yellow. Nine axial slices (a–i) and six sagittal slices (j–o) are shown. The white contour in slices n and o indicates the borders of the mapped V5 and the satellite area around the superior temporal sulcus.