Inflammatory status of host determines pathogenicity and phenotype of MLN lymphocytes. Flow cytometry was performed on MLN lymphocyte populations in SAMP (n = 3), AKR (n = 3), AKR BM → SAMP (n = 7), and SAMP BM → AKR (n = 6) mice. (A) Representative T cell–gated (CD4+CD8+) dotplots of CD4 (y) versus CD69 (x) expression, with percentages of CD4+ T cells that are CD69+. (B) Representative dotplots of B220 (x) versus IgA (y) expression, with averages of IgA+B220hi mature B cells and IgA+B220int plasmablasts as a percentage of all lymphocytes. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. *Indicates significantly increased (P < 0.05) compared with AKR or SAMP BM → AKR mice. Lymphocyte subsets that were significantly increased in SAMP (x) versus AKR (y) mice included the percentage of IgA+ cells (♦) and the percentage of CD4+ T cells that were αE
+ (▵), β7
hi (□), CD25+ (•), CD44hi (▴), CD69+ (⋄), and l-selectinlo (▪) (C, left). Similar trends were seen in a plot of SAMP BM → AKR (y) versus AKR BM → SAMP (x) subsets (C, right). The slopes of the best-fit lines through the points in the two plots were not significantly different.