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. 2007 May 14;204(5):1227–1235. doi: 10.1084/jem.20070145

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

After 4 wk of AngII treatment, LIMP-2 KO mice have massive interstitial fibrosis. Sirius red staining of LVs of 4-wk AngII-treated LIMP-2 KO (n = 4) and WT (n = 5) mice shows marked interstitial fibrosis in KO mice (*, P < 0.02 vs. WT Ang and KO baseline). The overview shows that this fibrosis was not uniformly distributed, but patchy. After 2 wk of AngII treatment, LIMP-2 KO and WT mice have similar induction of interstitial fibrosis, suggesting that the massive fibrosis after 4 wk is secondary. Both KO and WT mice treated with AngII show a similar degree of perivascular fibrosis. Bars, 250 μm.