mGluR compounds identified as coagonists with either NMDA or glycine. (A). Dose response curve to NMDA receptor coagonists in the presence of 50 μM NMDA in oocytes injected with NR1–1a/NR2A. Dose response curves were generated using glycine (n = 3), (RS)-DHPG (n = 3), (S)-HPG (n = 3), and dl-AP4 (n = 3). Data were fitted to the Hill equation (with the exception of 3-HPG, which was fitted using an arbitrary value for Imax). Values obtained from the fits were: glycine, EC50 = 2.6 μM, nH = 1.6; dl-AP4, EC50 = 25 μM, nH = 1.1; DHPG, EC50 = 21 mM, nH = 1.7. (B). Dose response curves for NMDA (n = 3) and trans-ADA (n = 5) in the presence of 10 μM glycine. Data for the NMDA dose response were fitted to the Hill equation. Values obtained from the fit are EC50 = 44 μM, nH = 1.4.