Fig. 3.
An example of reverse-order reactivation of pyramidal cells during sharp wave/ripples (SWRs). (A and B) The top three traces show wide-band (1 Hz−5 kHz) traces from three different recording sites. The raster plot below shows the simultaneous activity of 21 pyramidal cells that fired in the 3 s window before the SWR. Each line shows the activity of a different cell, vertical lines marking spike-times. Cells were sorted according to the time of their last spike before the leading SWR border. Note that pyramidal cells show a tendency to fire in a reverse order during the SWR window relative to their previous ranked firing. The SWR window is marked in grey. The rank-order regression of cell order and spike-time was significant (r = –0.39, P < 0.016) for spikes in the SWR window. The top horizontal bar marks the time interval shown in the expanded traces in (B). (C)Location of eSWRs (grey dots) superimposed on the movement path of the animal (grey lines). The arrow indicates the SWR shown in (A) and (B).