Fig. 8.
Projections from PMdr to the striatum. (a and b) Schematic chartings and microphotographs of the terminals following injections into PMdr (a, case 161; b, case 166). The focal projection fields (black solid areas) and the diffuse projection fields are shown in charts at different AP levels: rostral striatum, AP 28–26; n. Ac, AP 22; AC, AP 18.5; and caudal striatum, AP 14–10. Microphotographs at low and high magnifications illustrate the focal and diffuse terminal fields. (c and d) Microphotographs at high magnification illustrate axons with terminals representing some of the diffuse projections (case 102) extending in (c) the dorsomedial Cd n. and in (d) the putamen. (e and f) 3-D rendering of the focal collective projections from PMdr shown in (e) coronal and (f) lateral views of the striatum. Scale bars, 5 mm (schematics in a and b), 1 mm and 50 µm (low- and high-power, respectively, microphotographs in a and b); 100 µm (microphotographs in c and d).