(A) Antisense LDH-A expression reduced clonogenicity of c-Myc-transformed lymphoblastoid cells, CB33-Myc. Control, empty vector-transfected CB33-Myc cells were subjected to soft agar clonogenic assays. Representative colonies formed (cloning efficiency of 2 × 10−4) are shown in the upper panels. With the antisense, LDH-A-expressing pooled clones, CB33-MycAS-LDH-A, there was a 4-fold reduction in cloning efficiency and a reduction in colony sizes. Representative microscropic fields are shown in the lower panels. (B) Antisense LDH-A expression reduced clonogenicity of the DW6 Burkitt lymphoma cell line. Pooled, stably transfected DW6 cells were cultured in soft agar. The left two panels represent a composite photograph of Petri dish halves containing DW6 cells transfected with empty vector (left half) or antisense LDH-A vector (right half). The right two panels are of higher magnification and show soft agar colonies of the same cells shown in the left two panels. (C) Growth rates of the indicated cell lines grown in suspension were determined. The ordinate shows cell numbers per 60-mm plate at the indicated times from triplicate experiments.