Neighbor-joining tree (32) generated by
mega (33) from 43 ALDH-like protein sequences using the
Poisson correction for multiple hits (ref. 34; for ALDH data virtually
all currently available corrections for multiple hits give essentially
the same tree); the branch lengths are proportional to the number of
amino acid substitutions per site. Deletions and insertions were
excluded from the analysis. Shaded areas indicate sequences from
eukaryotic organisms. We excluded plant ALDHs from the analysis to
facilitate interpretation of the resulting phylogeny. Bootstrap
P values are shown next to the corresponding interior
branches; interior branches that were supported by 20% or less of 500
bootstrap replications (35) were set to zero. The description of each
protein sequence includes either the SwissProt or the GenBank accession
number (asterisks indicate new sequences) and the protein and species
name. A, B, C, and D
indicate the interior branches defining four stable clusters of
proteins from both eukaryotes and eubacteria. The tree may indicate
that at least four ALDH-like genes (ALDH1/2/5/6-like,
ALDH3/7/8/10-like, ALDH9-like, and
MMSDH-like genes) predated the divergence of eukaryotes and
eubacteria. SSDH, succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase.