Figure 8.
Gene neighborhoods of 7TMR-HD, 5TMR-LYTs and the Phylogenetic tree, domain architectures and gene neighborhoods of the 8TMR-UT.A) The domain architectures found in 7TMR-HD proteins and the PhoH-YbeY gene neighborhoods are shown. The upper panel shows the PhoH-YbeY neighborhood in proteobacteria (E. coli DgkA-YqfG-YqfF-YqfE operon), while the lower one shows the neighborhood typical of bacteria with the 7TMR-HD proteins. The organisms, possessing a particular domain architecture, are indicated by abbreviations in brackets). YbeY or its ortholog YqfG is the predicted lecithinase with a metal binding active site. YbeX is a Cystathionine beta-synthase domain (CBS) containing protein.B) The domain architectures found in 5TMR-LYT containing proteins and the conserved operon LytT-LytS found in Bacillus and gram-positive bacterial genomes are shown. C) Phylogenetic relationships of the 8TMR-UT domain containing proteins along with their domain architectures are shown. The RELL bootstrap values for the major branches are shown at their base. The thickness of a given branch is approximately proportional to the number of proteins contained within it. Domain architectures of the proteins in each branch of the tree are shown in boxes pointed to by the black arrows. The gene neighborhood data of some of the genes encoding 7TMR-DISM containing proteins are shown. The red arrow points to the architecture of protein encoded by a particular gene in a depicted neighborhood. Domain abbreviations are as shown in Figure 2 and HD, hydrolase of the HD superfamily; HD-GYP – cyclic diaguanylate phosphodiesterases of the HD-GYP variety; GAF – domain found in cGMP- specific phosphodiesterases, Adenylyl cyclases and Escherichia coli FhlA. Species abbreviations are as shown in Table 1