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. 2003 Sep 23;4:13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-4-13

Table 2.

Demographic profile of survey respondents.


Female Male Total
Personal Characteristics
Age group:
 25–39 years 94 (60) 63 (40) 157 (37)
 40–54 years 102 (55) 83 (45) 185 (43)
 55+ years 10 (11) 78 (89) 88 (21)
 Total 206 (48) 224 (52) 430 (100)
Years in clinical practice:
 <5 years 56 (64) 32 (36) 88 (21)
 5–14 years 72 (57) 55 (43) 127 (30)
 15–24 years 58 (53) 52 (47) 110 (26)
 25+ years 18 (17) 85 (83) 103 (24)
 Total 204 (48) 224 (52) 428 (100)
Practice Characteristics
Hours/week seeing patients:
 0–19 hours 19 (54) 16 (46) 35 (8)
 20–49 hours 154 (52) 141 (48) 295 (69)
 50+ hours 33 (34) 65 (66) 98 (23)
 Total 206 (48) 222 (52) 428 (100)
Practice setting:
 Urban 110 (41) 160 (59) 270 (63)
 Rural 95 (60) 62 (40) 157 (37)
 Total 205 (48) 222 (52) 427 (100)
Type of practice:
 Solo 60 (49) 63 (51) 123 (29)
 Group 142 (47) 159 (53) 301 (71)
 Total 202 (48) 222 (52) 424 (100)
Internet access at office:
 Yes 116 (47) 130 (53) 246 (58)
 No 88 (49) 92 (51) 180 (42)
 Total 204 (48) 222 (52) 426 (100)

Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Values are numbers (percentages) of respondents.