Fig. 5. Transient regulation of AMPARs mobility in conditions of Bic/Gly bath application. (A) Protocols: the fourth protocol shown in Figure 4A is modified by delaying the antibody incubation either 5 or 40 min after bath application of biccuculine, strychnine and glycine (Bic/Gly). (B) Mean diffusion constants for mobile extra-synaptic AMPARs in the three conditions. (C) Mean diffusion constants for mobile synaptic AMPARs in the three conditions. (D) Fraction of immobile over mobile receptors in synaptic sites for the three conditions showing a transient decrease of the proportion of immobile synaptic AMPARs at 5 min after Bic/Gly treatment (P < 0.01 that the Bic/Gly5 is different from the two others, Student’s t-test; n = 54/21, 64/29 and 70/15 trajectories/experiments for, respectively, Bic/Gly0, Bic/Gly5 and Bic/Gly40).