Figure 6.
Amino acid sequence similarities to the predicted intracellular domain of Ags1p. The sequences of Ags1p (AGS1_SCHPO) and Ags3p (AGS3_SCHPO) were aligned with starch synthases of Triticum aestivum (wheat; SSYN_TRIAE; U66377) and Manihot esculenta (cassava; UGST_MANES; Q43784), and with glycogen synthases of Synechocystis sp. (gene product of glgA; GLGA_SYNY3; P74521) and E. coli (gene product of glgA; GLGA_ECOLI; P08323). The Lys/Arg-X-Gly-Gly motif is indicated by ∗. Boxes indicate sequence identities among the proteins shown, shading indicates sequence similarities to Ags1p, and dashes indicate gaps in the pileup alignment.