Fig. 1. Diagram of the putative -acting elements within the sheep endothelial nitric oxide (NOS3) promoter.
A: A 1283-bp 5′flanking region of NOS3 gene plus the beginning of the coding region (22-bp) was isolated and sequenced, then deposited to GenBank with an accession number AY684193. The ATG initiation codon is numbered as +1. Potential cis-regulatory elements are indicated. Abbreviations for cis-elements are as follows: AP-1, activator protein 1; SRE-1, sterol regulatory element-1; AP-2, activator protein 2; SSRE, shear stress response element; NF-1, nuclear factor-1; and CRE, cAMP response element; ER half: estrogen half-palindromic motif; SRE: sterol regulatory element; APR: acute-phase response; MAZ: myc-associated zine-finger protein; YY: Ying-yang; PAX: paired box containing genes; and PEA3: Ets family transcription factor. B: Alignment of the sheep, human, bovine, and mouse NOS3 promoter regions surrounding the AP-1 binding site. The AP-1 consensus element is boxed and shade indicated. The ATG initiation codon is numbered as +1.