Figure 1.
NPC movement and assembly assay. A haploid yeast strain expressing only GFP–Nup49p (Donor) is mated with a haploid strain expressing unlabeled Nup49p (Recipient). In the case where both strains are otherwise wild type (WT), the labeled nucleus (thick circle) will fuse with the recipient nucleus (thin circle) upon mating. Movement of NPCs can then be monitored by watching GFP–Nup49p redistribution in live cells. In a kar1-1 background (kar1-1), the nuclei are unable to fuse and GFP- labeled NPCs are obtained by the recipient nucleus only by incorporation into preexisting/new NPCs. The rate of acquisition of GFP–NPCs in the recipient nuclei reflects either the movement of NPCs or the assembly of NPCs, respectively.