Storage efficiencies of wt-hCgB, Δcys-hCgB, and AT transiently transfected in PC12 cells. PC12 cells transfected with wt-hCgB, Δcys-hCgB, or AT were pulse labeled for 5 min with [35S]sulfate and chased for the indicated times. Equal aliquots of cells and media collected at the end of the chase were analyzed by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE followed by phosphoimaging. (A) Autoradiograms of cell lysates (lanes C) and media (lanes M) at the end of the pulse (0 min of chase) and after 90 min of chase. (Bracket: hCgB; diamond: hCgB fragments; asterisk: AT). Note the slightly slower mobility of Δcys-hCgB as compared to wt-hCgB. (B) Secretion of wt-hCgB, Δcys-hCgB, and AT after different chase times. (C) Storage efficiencies were determined after 90 min of chase (four independent experiments). Error bars show standard deviation. In B and C, the labeled protein in the medium (B) and in the cell (C) is expressed as percent of total (sum of cell plus medium).