Figure 2.
Replicon clusters are stable over many cell generations. Cells synchronized at the beginning of S phase were grown for 20 min in medium containing BrdU and then 5 or 10 d in medium. Sites of BrdU incorporation were indirectly immunolabeled with FITC 5 (A) or 10 d (B–E) later. A shows a single cell with many clusters of labeled foci and (B–D) isolated clusters of labeled foci, the only labeled sites within three different cells. Foci are scattered along metaphase chromosomes in the same preparations (E); double exposure shows that foci are restricted to only one chromatid. The foci of 200 discrete clusters immunolabeled 5–10 d after incorporating BrdU in cells at the beginning of S phase (F), or unsynchronized cells (G) were counted and their distribution (open bars) compared with foci of 100 metaphase chromosomes (closed bars). Bars: (A) 2 μm; (B–E) 1 μm.