Figure 1.
(a and A) Structure of the murine keratin 18 locus. Arrows indicate the position of PCR primers used to identify the wild-type and targeted alleles in A–C. Exons are indicated by numbered open boxes. (B) The targeting vector consists of an HPRT minigene replacing most of exon 1, intron 1, and exon 2. The 5′-homology is ∼1.1 kb and the 3′- homology, 4.7 kb. A thymidine kinase minigene (TK-minigene) is included for selection against random integration. The vector was linearized such that the thymidine kinase minigene was protected by vector sequences. (C) The targeted K18 locus. X between A and B indicates regions of homologous recombination. (b) PCR products representing the genotypes of wild-type (lane 1), hetero- (2), and homozygous (3) K18 mice. M size marker (λ EcoRI/HindIII). Products were separated on 1.2% agarose gels. (c) Southern blot analysis of the three genotypes of mice. Here, DNA restricted with EcoRI and labeled with a K18- 5′ probe is shown. The presence of a 5.5-kb EcoRI–fragment is indicative of the targeted and that of a 2.1-kb fragment of the wild-type allele. The position of fragments representing wild-type and targeted alleles is indicated by dots.