Figure 5.
Meiotic time course showing the increase of frequency of nuclei with dispersed centromeres (i.e., loss of centromere clustering) and the appearance of SCs and their precursors (short axial elements and short synapsed segments). For each time point (samples taken at 0 to 240 min in sporulation medium in 20 min intervals) 100 nuclei were analyzed by FISH and light microscopy of silver-stained preparations (for example see Loidl et al., 1991) for centromere clustering, homologous associations of telomeres IVR, and presence of SCs or SC-precursors. The increase in the frequency of nuclei without clustered centromeres precedes the first appearance of SC-precursors at ∼120 min. Still later (180 min) the association of homologous chromosomal regions (telomere-near sites on chromosome IVR) above mitotic background levels indicates the onset of synapsis.