Figure 10.
Localization of a COOH-terminal region of apoB in lysosomes. HepG2 cells were permeabilized with STP-O (A–F). (A–C) STP-O–treated cells were probed simultaneously with the affinity-purified sheep polyclonal anti-human LDL antibody, and with monoclonal B1B6 anti-apoB. After washing, the cells were incubated with the appropriate secondary antibodies conjugated with different fluorochromes and examined at 570 nm (A, green; sheep poly anti-human LDL) or at 680 nm (B, red; monoclonal B1B6). The digital images were superimposed, and significant overlap is colored yellow (C). (D–F) STP- O–treated cells were probed simultaneously with the affinity-purified sheep polyclonal anti-human LDL antibody and monoclonal H4A3 to LAMP-1. After washing, the cells were incubated with the appropriate secondary antibodies conjugated with different fluorochromes, and were examined at both 570 nm (D, green; sheep polyclonal anti-human LDL) or at 680 nm (E, red; monoclonal anti-LAMP-1). The digital images were superimposed, and significant overlap is yellow (F).