Figure 4.
Ribosomal export in prp20-1 and mutants mapping in importin/karyopherin β–like transport factors. Thermosensitive mutants prp20-1, pse1-1/kap123::HIS3, and xpo1-1 were transformed with YEplac195-ADE2-URA3-L25-GFP (pL25-GFP), or the double xpo1-1/L25-GFP strain was constructed (see Table I). Cells were grown at 23°C on selective SDC-ura and YPD plates, respectively, to stationary phase, before they were inoculated in liquid YPD-medium. It was shifted for the indicated time points to 37°C, before cells were further incubated at room temperature (20°C). After centrifugation, cells were resuspended in water, mounted on a slide and inspected in the fluorescence microscope.