Figure 10.
NIMA and NIMXCDC2 kinase activities in wild-type–, nimA1-, and sonA1-containing strains. Cells of a wild-type strain (GR5), a nimA1 containing strain (LPW2), a sonA1-containing strain (LPW16), and a nimA1, sonA1 double mutant strain (LPW29) were cultured and then sampled for kinase activity (A and B) and percentage of mitotic cells (C) as described in Materials and Methods. Samples were taken from exponentially growing, asynchronous cultures (R) or from cultures shifted to 42°C for 1, 2, or 3 h, or from cultures returned to 32°C for 5, 10, 30, or 60 min. A and B show autoradiographs representing NIMA (A) and NIMXCDC2 (B) kinase activities measured in immune complexes isolated from whole cell extracts from the strains indicated at the right.