Figure 7.
SR subunits dissociate in cells bearing srp102(K51I)p. Cells bearing wild-type Srp102p-HA (SOY162 containing pSO459) or Srp102(K51I)p-HA (SOY162 containing pSO462) were subjected to fractionation as detailed in Materials and Methods. Equivalent amounts of each fraction were subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by Western blot analysis. Srp101p was detected with affinity-purified anti-Srp101p antibodies, while Srp102p was detected using the anti-HA monoclonal antibody. Each panel contains the fractions loaded in the same manner. Lane 1: (T) total cell lysate; lane 2: (LS), low-speed supernatant; lane 3 (LP), low-speed pellet; lane 4, (HS), high-speed supernatant; lane 5, (HP), high-speed pellet; lane 6, (DE), detergent extract; lane 7, (DP), detergent pellet. (A) fractions from Srp102p-HA cells grown at 24°C. (B) fractions from Srp102(K51I)p-HA grown at 24°C.