Figure 1.
Microvillar elongation in L fibroblasts overexpressing ERMBMPs. L transfectants transiently expressing E-cadherin chimeric molecules with the transmembrane/cytoplasmic domain of CD43 (E-43, a and b), CD44 (E-44, c and d), or ICAM-2 (E-ICAM-2, e and f) were doubly stained with anti– E-cadherin mAb (a, c, and e), and anti-ERM mAb (b, d, and f). In these cells, microvilli were significantly elongated, where both ERMBMPs and ERM proteins were recruited (inset, higher magnification). Cells were transfected by microinjection. As a control, parental L cells were stained with anti-ERM mAb (g). Bar, a–g, 10 μm; insets, 2.5 μm.