Fig-3. Vitamin E failed to prevent HEMA mediated cell death or HEMA induced decrease in ALP staining.
(A) Human DPSCs cultured with β-glycerophosphate (10 mM) and ascorbic acid (50μg/ml) (1×106/ml) were treated with HEMA (0.0082M), NAC (20 mM) and vitamin E (5 mM) for a period of 18 hours after which they were stained with FITC- Annexin V and Propidium Iodide and analyzed by EPICs ELITE flow cytometer. One of three independent experiments is shown in this figure. (B) Treatments were carried out as described in Fig. 3A, and the levels of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) staining were determined after 18 hours of incubation. One of three independent experiments is shown in this figure