Zyxin shuttles between the nucleus and the focal contacts. Microinjected antibody was used to report the presence of zyxin within a cell's nucleus. Two antibodies, a chicken-specific anti-zyxin monoclonal antibody and a non-cross-reactive anti–goat Ig, were co-injected into the nuclei of fibroblast cells. Cells were fixed either 15 min (a and b) or 16 h (c–f) after injection. Dual channel immunofluorescence microscopy was used to reveal the location of the control anti–goat Ig (a, c, and e) and the chicken-specific anti-zyxin monoclonal antibody in chicken (b and d) or rat (f) fibroblast cells. The control Ig that is injected into cell nuclei remains there for the duration of the experiment (a, c, and e). The co-injected anti– chicken zyxin antibody is specifically exported to the cytoplasm when injected into the nuclei of chicken cells but not rat cells after 16 h (d and f ). Anti-zyxin antibody that is exported from the nuclei of chicken cells can be detected at the focal contacts (d, arrows). Bar, 33 μM.