Fig. 5.
Characterization and quantitation of cholesterol in mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG) lipidomes by electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (ESI)/MS analyses. Mouse DRG lipid extracts were prepared and each of the diluted lipid extract solutions was individually modified with methoxyacetic acid. The reaction-workup solution of each lipid extract was analyzed in the positive-ion mode in the presence of LiOH. Panel (a), a product-ion ESI mass spectrum of a selected ion at m/z 497.4 that was shown in the ESI/MS analysis of the lipid extract (after derivatization with methoxyacetyl acid) was used to identify the lithiated cholesteryl methoxyacetate plus a methanol molecule. The inset of panel (a) represents the proposed fragmentation pathways and fragments of lithiated cholesteryl methoxyacetate plus a methanol corresponding to the fragmental ions in panel (a). Panel (b), a precursor-ion ESI mass spectrum of m/z 97.1 which was acquired (from the derivatized DRG lipid extract with methoxyacetic acid in the presence of LiOH) in the positive-ion mode and used for quantitation of cholesterol in the lipid extract.