Requirements to residue 131 and 132. (A) Schematic
representation of the amino acid sequences in the cytoplasmic
tails of the CD3γ chains expressed in the indicated cell lines and a
summation of the results from the TCR downregulation analyses.
TCR downregulation was scored according to the percent anti-CD3 binding after incubation with PDB (110 nM) for 1 h: +++,
0–40% anti-CD3 binding; ++, 40–60% anti-CD3 binding; +, 60–
80% anti-CD3 binding; (+), 80–95% anti-CD3 binding; −, >95%
anti-CD3 binding. (B) Cells were incubated with different concentrations of PDB for 1 h and TCR downregulation was determined by staining with anti-CD3 mAb and flow cytometry comparing MFI of PDB-treated cells with MFI of untreated cells. (C)
FACS® histograms of untreated cells (white, dotted line) and
cells treated with 110 nM PDB (black) for 1 h. The cell line and the
percent anti-CD3 binding after PDB treatment are given in
the upper left corner of each histogram. The ordinate indicates
the relative cell number. The abscissa indicates the fluorescence
intensity in a logarithmic scale in arbitrary units. MFI of the cell
lines stained with irrelevant mAb varied between two and five arbitrary units (data not shown).