Binding of E. coli expressed N-domains of different CD66 receptors by recombinant MS11 Opa variants. Gonococci expressing different Opa proteins were incubated with cleared lysates of E. coli containing the N-domains of CD66e, -d, or -a and processed for immunoblotting. Bound N-domain was detected with anti-His antibody. The + and - designations refer to the results of our previous study, where interaction of Opa variants with CD66e, -d, and -a expressed on HeLa cells was studied: + indicates recognition; - indicates no recognition (12). Opa protein expression of the variants was evaluated by immunoblotting with 4B12 antibody and is shown in Bottom. Below the designation of the recombinant Opa variants used the nomenclature of wild-type Opa homologs is indicated in parentheses. The figure is representative of three independent experiments.