Figure 12.
Model for the action of Ypt GTPases in the yeast exocytic secretory pathway. Ypt1p and Sec4p are essential for three secretory steps: ER to cis-Golgi, cis- to medial-Golgi, and transGolgi to the plasma membrane (Novick et al., 1981; Jedd et al., 1995). For two of these steps, it was shown that Ypt1 and Sec4 proteins function in targeting of ER- and trans-Golgi–derived vesicles, respectively (Novick et al., 1981; Rexach and Schekman, 1991; Segev, 1991). (A) Ypt31/32 proteins are suggested to have a role in promoting vesicle budding from the trans-Golgi. (B) Alternatively, Ypt31/32 may regulate a fusion step between the trans-Golgi and retrograde vesicles derived from a recycling compartment (see Discussion).