Figure 1.
Characterization of inducible HeLa TetU2 stable cell lines. (A) Five TetU2 cell lines were generated and scored for association (as measured by overlap between the fluorescent protein–tagged coilin and lac repressor signals) with CBs after Dox induction. In the absence of Dox, no CB associations were observed in any of the cell lines (n > 50 cells per line). (B–E) TetU2-45 cells were chosen for in-depth analysis. (B) After doxycycline (Dox) induction, the U2 array (marked with YFP-NLS-lac repressor; shown in red) associated with a CB (marked with CFP-coilin; shown in green; arrow). (C) In the absence of Dox, the uninduced U2 array failed to associate with CBs. (D) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrates the inducibility of the U2 array in the TetU2-45 cell line (Fig. S1, available at (E) Mitotic chromosome spreads reveal that the U2 array (green FISH signal) in the TetU2-45 cell line integrated at a single site on distal chromosome 7q (red chromosome painting FISH signal; arrow). Bars, 2 μm.