Figure 2.
Accumulation of Fas2-YFP to the nascent synaptic site and its dependence on endogenous Fas2. (A–C) Accumulation of Fas2-YFP on muscle 12 in wild-type (wt) embryos. (A) At 13 h, Fas2-YFP was distributed evenly, including myopodia (arrowhead). (B and C) At 14 (B) and 15 h (C), strong Fas2-YFP concentration was seen in the myopodia cluster (B; arrow) or nascent synaptic site (C; arrow). (A′–C′) Schematic diagrams of the morphology of filopodia and myopodia and accumulation of Fas2 during the stages shown in A–C. (D) Time course of Fas2-YFP accumulation. (E and F) Confocal images of dissected wild-type (E) and fas2 mutant (F) embryos at 15 h expressing Fas2-YFP on muscle 12 (green) and immunostained for the axonal marker anti-HRP antigen (magenta). The presynaptic arborization at the prospective synaptic site (arrows) was normal in fas2 mutants. Nonetheless, Fas2-YFP accumulation at the synaptic site was greatly diminished. (G and H) Fas2-YFP localization in dlgX1-2 (G) and GluRIISP22/Df(2L)clh4 (H). (I) Quantification of the synaptic accumulation of Fas2-YFP. ***, P < 0.001 by t test. (J) Quantification of the terminal size of the axon on muscle 12. Error bars represent SEM. Bar, 5 μm.