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. 2002 Dec;2(3):82–88.

Table 1.

Clinical case definition of tuberculosis*

A. Suspect Tuberculosis B. Probable Tuberculosis C. Confirmed Tuberculosis
  1. An ill child with history of contact with a confirmed case of pulmonary tuberculosis

  2. Any child
    • 2.1 Not regaining normal health after measles or whooping cough.
    • 2.2 With loss of weight, cough and wheeze not responding to antiobiotic therapy for respiratory infection.
    • 2.3 With painless swelling in a group of superficial lymph notes
A suspsect case with any of the following:
  1. A positive tuberclin test

  2. Suggestive appearance on chest radiograph

  3. Suggestive histologic appearence of biopsy material.

  4. Favourable response to specific anti-tuberculous therapy

  • 1. Detection by microscopy or culture of tubercle bacili from secretions or tissues,

  • or

  • 2. The identification of the tubercle bacili as Mycobacterium tuberculosis by culture

Response to anti-tuberculosis therapy was not used as a criterion in defining probable TB in this group.


From WHO provisional guidelines for the diagnosis and classification of EPI target diseases.5