Results of ANOVA models examining stress-induced corticosterone (CORT) in superb starlings. (Stress-induced CORT was measured at 10, 30 and 60 min after capture during the pre-breeding periods from 2003 to 2005 (and at 90 min after capture in 2005) in birds of each breeding role (breeders, helpers or non-breeders/non-helpers). There was a significant effect of sampling time period in each year, but there was only a significant effect of breeding role in 2005 (the driest of the 3 years) when birds that became helpers had significantly higher stress-induced CORT than those that became breeders or non-breeders/non-helpers. There was a significant interaction in 2003 such that birds that became non-breeders/non-helpers had significantly higher stress-induced CORT than those that became breeders or helpers at 60 min after capture. Bold values indicate significance at p<0.05.)