Figure 3.
HA is found in calnexin–calreticulin ternary complexes. The presence of ternary calnexin–calreticulin–HA complexes was analyzed using double immunoprecipitations. (A) HA was translated as in Fig. 1 for 1 h at 32°C under oxidizing conditions. HA was first immunoprecipitated with anti-HA (1°, HA, lanes 1 and 2), -calnexin (1°, CNX, lanes 3–5), and -calreticulin (1°, CRT, lanes 6–8) antisera. The supernatants were cleared with protein A and reprecipitated with the indicated antisera (2°). (B) Bands from the autoradiogram in A were quantified by a digital densitometer and plotted as the fraction of total HA (IT1 + IT2 + NT from lane 1).