Tests of EKLF interaction with CBP, p300, and P/CAF in vivo. Combinations of EKLF and HAT coactivator expression plasmids (10 μg each) as indicated were transfected into COS7 cells and whole cell extracts were subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-CBP, anti-HA, anti-P/CAF, or anti-EKLF antibodies. (A) Immunoprecipitated complexes were resolved, blotted, and probed with anti-EKLF monoclonal antibody 4B9. Location of co-electrophoresed EKLF in each gel is shown. Asterisks indicate nonspecific (Ig heavy chain) signals from the immunoprecipitating antibodies. (B) Immunoprecipitated complexes were resolved, blotted, and probed with anti-HA monoclonal antibody for detection of p300. Location of co-electrophoresed HA-p300 is shown.