Figure 3. Bub1-Tel is sufficient to recruit both Bub3p and Mad3p.
(A) Bub1-Tel recruits and co-localises with Bub3-mCherry at telomeres. (B) Bub1-Tel recruits and co-localises with Mad3-tdTomato at telomeres. Scale bars are 5 µm. (C) Quantitation of the co-localisation observed between checkpoint proteins and telomeres (Pot1), or kinetochores (Ndc80). Full co-localisation was scored when all of the telomere (or kinetochore) foci observed in a given cell co-localised with the Bub1-Tel and either Bub3p (grey columns) or Mad3p (red columns). See supplementary data (Tables S1, S2, S3 and S4) for further details. (D) Speculative model of Bub1 scaffold action at a telomere (TEL). Note, due to low signal intensity, we have not yet demonstrated that Bub3p and Mad3p exchange rapidly at the telomeres.