Figure 7.
unc-97 functions in muscle development. (A–C): UNC-97::GFP localization in live worms at embryonic stage ∼300 min (A), ∼400 min (comma stage) (B), and ∼500 min (threefold “pretzel” stage) (C). (A′–C′) Corresponding DIC micrographs. White arrows in C, a muscle nucleus and dense bodies, respectively. Note UNC-97::GFP localization to the periphery of nuclei in A–C. (D–F): Loss-of-function phenotype of unc-97 as determined by RNAi. D and E show the progeny of animals subjected to unc-97 RNAi. Embryos either arrest and die at the twofold stage or die shortly after hatching (both categories were scored as arrested). Note that the pharynx develops relatively normally but that elongation of the rest of the animal is arrested. All these phenotypes are hallmarks of the pat phenotype (Williams and Waterston, 1994). Bottom, progeny of animals subject to RNAi with a control ds RNA derived from a new homeobox gene (Hobert, O., and G. Ruvkun, unpublished data), which displays no lethality.