Ipk1 links to IFT and microtubule-mediated organelle transport. (A and B) Codepletion of Ipk1 and either IFT88 or IFT57 synergistically perturbs LR asymmetry. (A) Embryos were injected with varying amounts of either a single MO (ipk1MO1, ift88MO, ift57MO, control MO) or a MO combination (ipk1MO1+ift88MO, ipk1MO1+ift57MO, control MO+ift88MO, control MO+ift57MO). (B) Embryos derived from crossing either heterozygous ift88+/− mutant or wild-type fish were injected with ipk1MO1 or control MO. Scores for heart-tube placement defect in embryos at 28 hpf are graphed. (C and D) ipk1 knockdown perturbs microtubule-mediated organelle transport. (C) Five days after fertilization embryos [uninjected and ipk1MO1-injected (Left)] were treated with 0.5 mg/ml epinephrine, and time (min) required for all melanosomes in the head and trunk (within the white rectangle) to become perinuclear (Center) was determined. Time required for retracted melanosomes in epinephrine-treated endpoint embryos to fully disperse on exposure to 1 mg/ml caffeine (Right) was also determined. (D) Graph of the response time for epinephrine and caffeine treatments in uninjected and ipk1MO1 embryos.