Fig. 5. Viruses containing both K186Q IN and D116A IN are infectious.
Jurkat T cells were infected with serial dilutions of VSV G-pseudotyped wild-type NLΔEN virus, with virus bearing the indicated mutations in IN, or with viral particles containing a mixture of 2 or 3 different mutated IN. The latter viruses were produced by cotransfection of the corresponding mutated pNLΔEN proviral clones. Viruses were normalized by p24 ELISA. A. Jurkat T cells were infected with a single dose of virus, corresponding to 12.5 ng of p24. The percentage of cells expressing p24 was determined 2.5 days later by flow cytometry and is indicated for each data panel. In B the experiment was performed using multiple doses of the viruses, and the percentage of cells expressing p24 is plotted against the amount of input virus.