Figure 4.
Crosstalk between ethylene and glucose signaling. (A) ACC treatment can phenocopy gin1 phenotype. Glucose-induced developmental arrest was examined in wild-type seedlings, gin1-1, and ethylene mutants on MS medium containing 6% glucose in the absence (Upper) or presence (Lower) of 50 μM of ACC. Wild-type (Ws-0) and gin1-1 seedlings were 4 days old and all others were 5 days old. (Bar = 1.3 mm.) (B) etr1-1 is hypersensitive to glucose. Wild-type, gin1-1, and etr1-1 seeds were germinated and grown on MS medium containing 0%, 4% or 6% glucose for 4 days in the light (60 μE m−2 s−1). (Bar = 1.3 mm.)