Figure 6.
Long-range PCR identified class switch deletions in CH1. DNA preparations from one total spleen and sorted syn+ spleen cells from four L−/− mice were analyzed. (A) PCR amplifications (lanes a–f) from DJH to γCH2e (40 cycles), using a primer (VDJ029) based on the H chain sequences obtained by RT-PCR (left) or from JH4long to γCH2e (20 cycles; right). The thin white line indicates where the original gel was spliced. In the reactions, cell aliquots from one (single) and three (pool) L−/− mice were used. (B) Nested PCR (28 cycles) of first-round products (lanes a–f) from Eμ to γCH2d, with cloned products indicated by arrows. Controls were a γ2a hybridoma (hybrid), ES cell DNA, and amplification without DNA (−). (C) Map of the amplified genomic region from JH4 to Cγ exons CH1, hinge (H), and CH2. Cloning and sequencing of PCR products showed deletions of large parts of the switch region and some or all of CH1. Clone numbers (left) and sizes (right), from 3′ Eμ to γCH2d, are indicated, and sequences are compiled in Fig. S1.