Figure 3.
Parallel recordings of exocytotic events combining amperometry with overexpression of P2X2 receptors. The cells were held at −70 mV and exocytosis elicited by intracellular application of 2 μM free Ca2+. (A) Parallel recording of ATP release–induced TICs (top) and serotonin release measured by amperometry (bottom) in a single β-cell. The dotted lines indicate the simultaneous occurrence of TICs and amperometric spikes. (B) Cubic root of the charge of the P2X2-mediated TICs (n = 34 events recorded in the same cell) plotted against the cubic root of the charge of simultaneously recorded amperometric spikes. A linear fit is superimposed. (C) Examples of amperometric spikes (top red traces, 5-HT) and simultaneously recorded ATP release–induced TICs (bottom black trace). Prespike feet are indicated by arrows.