Figure 1.
Strain distribution pattern for halothane potency in the RIs and their parents. (A) Dispersal in halothane. EC50s for each RI (n = 73), the N2 (n = 10) and the BO parents (n = 10) and their group means and SD are given. H2 = broad sense heritability. ▵, halothane-resistant RIs (P < 0.05/73 = 0.0007): SR255, SR2, TJ202, TJ207. ▿, halothane-hypersensitive RIs: TJ103, TJ120, TJ147, SR109, TJ216, SR269, and TJ242. (B), Male mating efficiency in halothane. Mean EC50s for each RI (n = 31 × 2 trials) and for the N2 parental strain (n = 10). The BO males did not mate well enough to be assayed. ▵ (P < 0.05/31 = 0.0016): SR83, SR255, SR119, SR58, SR25, and SR28. ▿, SR62, SR42, SR117, TJ223, and SR226. (C) Halothane-induced immobility. EC50s are plotted for each RI (n = 57), N2 (n = 10), and BO (n = 5). ▵, RIs significantly more resistant than N2 (P < 0.05/57 = 0.0009). (D) Native mating in the absence of halothane. Mating efficiencies and dispersal indices are plotted for N2 , BO , and RIs ○.