Fluorescence emission of MB after microinjection
into K562 hematopoietic cells. After injection of 150 μM vav AS or
SCR (control) MBs into living K562 human leukemia cells, the cells were
examined for signal by phase (A, C, and
E) and corresponding fluorescence (B,
D, and F) microscopy. Significantly
higher levels of cellular fluorescence were observed in cells injected
with AS MBs (C and D) than in those cells
injected with SCR MBs (A and B).
Uninjected cells displayed no fluorescence (E and
F). A shows uninjected control cells
photographed under phase microscopy; B is the
corresponding fluorescent photomicrograph. C and
E are AS-MB- and SCR-MB-injected K562 cells,
respectively, photographed under phase microscopy, and D
and F are their corresponding fluorescent counterparts,
respectively. Note that maximal fluorescent emission is found in
AS-MB-injected cells.