Mediation of stable Adriamycin-DNA adduct
formation by glyceraldehyde. Reactions were in buffer A (13), and
resolution was on gel type B (13). Reactions contained 100 μM
Adriamycin and 100 μM oligomer d(AAAAGCTTTT)2 and were
run overnight at 25°C. Lanes: 1, only DNA and Adriamycin; 2, DNA,
Adriamycin, and 0.4% CH2O; 3, DNA, Adriamycin, and 0.5%
glyceraldehyde. The gel was photographed by UV shadowing. Although not
as efficient an initiator of stable Adriamycin-DNA adducts as
CH2O, glyceraldehyde mediates stable adduct formation in
high enough yield to be of potential biological significance.