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. 2007 Aug 15;14(10):1362–1369. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00154-07


Geometric mean avidity indices of anti-PRP IgG antibodiesa

Study Group No. of subjects tested GMAI (95% CI) Statistical difference between groups (P value)b
United States
    Postprimary DTPa + HBV + OPV + Hib* 40 0.126 (0.106-0.150) 0.0794
DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib 40 0.105 (0.094-0.118)
    Prebooster DTPa + Hib* 21 0.192 (0.143-0.257) 0.8164
DTPa/Hib 23 0.183 (0.135-0.250)
    Postbooster DTPa + Hib* 34 0.189 (0.145-0.246) 0.8067
DTPa/Hib 37 0.182 (0.136-0.193)
Germany A
    Postprimary DTPa + Hib 33 0.094 (0.092-0.096) 1
DTPa/Hib 45 0.094 (0.094-0.095)
    Prebooster DTPa + Hib 21 0.292 (0.221-0.387) 0.0189
DTPa/Hib 18 0.183 (0.138-0.242)
    Postbooster DTPa + Hib 31 0.252 (0.202-0.313) <0.0001
DTPa/Hib 59 0.126 (0.115-0.138)
    Postprimary DTPw-HBV/Hib2.5 25 0.085 (0.070-0.103) 0.2398
DTPw-HBV/Hib 25 0.069 (0.051-0.094)
    Postbooster DTPw-HBV/Hib2.5 25 0.207 (0.167-0.258) 0.0744
DTPw-HBV/Hib 25 0.283 (0.214-0.374)

Not evaluated in the Germany B study. Blood samples were collected 1 month after the three-dose primary series and before and 4 to 6 weeks after the booster dose. GMAI, geometric mean avidity index; Hib2.5, Hib vaccine containing 2.5 μg PRP conjugated to TT; OPV, oral poliovirus vaccine. *, OmniHIB.


Two-sided P value using one-way ANOVA to show a difference between groups.