Preteens with serum bactericidal antibody titers (≥1:4) against New Zealand vaccine strain NZ98/254 (B:4:P1.7b,4) after administration of serogroup B OMV meningococcal vaccinesa
Cohort and vaccine | Type of analysis | Prevaccinationb
% of children with serum bactericidal antibody titers of ≥1:4d | No. of children | % of children with serum bactericidal antibody titers of ≥1:4d | No. of children | ||
A | |||||
NIPH-MeNZB | ITT | 11 (8-16) | 224 | 92 (88-95) | 224 |
PP | 11 (8-16) | 221 | 93 (88-95) | 214 | |
MenBvac | ITT | 23 (14-36) | 56 | 54 (41-66) | 56 |
PP | 23 (14-36) | 56 | 54 (41-66) | 56 | |
B | |||||
CV-MeNZB | ITT | 11 (7-15) | 236 | 95 (91-97) | 230 |
PP | 11 (7-15) | 236 | 94 (90-97) | 217 | |
NIPH-MeNZB | ITT | 11 (5-22) | 57 | 89 (78-95) | 56 |
PP | 11 (5-22) | 57 | 89 (77-95) | 54 |
Children (age range, 8 to 12 years) received three doses of each vaccine, and serum bactericidal antibody titers were measured before and after vaccination.
Prevaccination titers are considered baseline values.
Postvaccination titers were measured 4 to 6 weeks after administration of the third vaccine dose.
A titer of ≥1:4 has been suggested to be a correlate of protection (5, 6, 18).